JCT Champions Girls Voices
On the 24th and 28th of September 2019, the 100 Girls, 100 Voices, 100 Umbrellas initiative took place in Bulawayo, organized by the Intwasa Festival koBulawayo,with the support of JCT and Plan International. The 100 girls stood for 100 girls taken from 20 schools around Bulawayo, and the 100 voices were the 100 pieces of poetry that the girls wrote and recited that spoke to issues of child marriages, alignment of marriage laws, child sexual abuse, vuzu parties and the general empowerment of the girl child. The shade from the 100 umbrellas represented the information and consistent training and mentoring of the girls, and the protection from the umbrellas symbolized a wall of protection and comfort for the girls in their lives as they focus on reaching their full potential. The build up to the final event involved thematic training workshops that JCT assisted with by educating the girls on child marriages, sexual offences and children’s rights in general. The girls also received grooming and poetry skills training by renowned award winning poets. Using the knowledge and skills received, the girls were able to articulate their fears, hopes and dreams and advocate for the up-liftment of the girl child.